Darío Moreira Arce

Biólogo ambiental (Universidad de Chile), MSc. con mención en Ecología Terrestre y Gestión de la Biodiverisdad (Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona), Ph.D (Universidad de Alberta). Realizó sus investigaciones de postdoctorado en la Facultad de Ciencias de la Universidad de Chile (2015-2018), y fue professor asistente en la Facultad de Ciencias Forestales de la Universidad de Concepción (2018-2020).
Ha sido consultor en materias de medio ambiente para instituciones gubernamentales y empresa privada a nivel nacional, como asi tambien de organizaciones internacionales como FAO y BID.
Su línea de investigación se centra en la coexistencia de la naturaleza y las actividades productivas. Actualmente orienta sus estudios a la conservación y gestión de la biodiversidad en ecosistemas silvoagropecuarios en el centro-sur Chile y Patagonia, considerando diferentes escalas espaciales y niveles ecológicos. Ha contribuido con 19 articulos ISI (WoS) en los últimos cinco años.
Integrating movement ecology and human behavior into landscape connectivity for carnivore species.Investigadores principales :Dr. Darío MoreiraInvestigadores asociados:Dr. Pablo Vergara, Dr. Cristóbal Pizarro , Dr. Francisco Zorondo-Rodríguez
"Where are the foxes gone? socio-ecological consequences of the use livestock-guarding dogs"Investigadores principales :Darío Moreira1 210 797
Where are the foxes gone? Socio-ecological consequences of the use livestock-guarding dogs.Investigadores principales :Dr. Javier A. SimonnettiInvestigadores asociados:Dr. Darío Moreira , Dr. Francisco Zorondo-Rodríguez
Determinación de hábitat mínimo para especies en categoría de conservación, Región del Libertador General Bernardo O’HigginsInvestigadores principales :Moreira Arce, D.
Implementación de acciones para la conservación del zorro de Darwin o zorro chilote en las Regiones del Biobío, la Araucanía, Los Ríos y Los LagosInvestigadores asociados:Moreira Arce, D.
Forest specialists vs. Habitat generalists: separating the effects of foraging habitat quality and fragmentation by pine plantations on meso carnivoresInvestigadores principales :Moreira Arce, D.11 181 180
Monitoreo de biodiversidad en Áreas de Alto Valor de Conservación, Cordillera de NahuelbutaInvestigadores principales :Moreira Arce, D.
Mitigación del conflicto carnívoros-ganadería en Patagonia: una aproximación desde la ecologíaInvestigadores principales :Moreira Arce, D.3 160 056
Evaluación de la distribución Lycalopex fulvipes en Parque Oncol y factores ambientales asociadosInvestigadores asociados:Moreira Arce, D.
Serosurvey for selected parasitic and bacterial pathogens in Darwin's Fox (Lycalopex Fulvipes): Not only dog diseases are a threat.Hidalgo-Hermoso, E; Cabello, J; Verasay, J; Moreira-Arce, D; Hidalgo, M; Abalos, P; Borie, C; Galarce, N; Napolitano, C; Sacristan, I; Cevidanes, A; Ramirez-Toloza, G; Farias, A; Di Cataldo, S; Lagos, R; Millan, JJOURNAL OF WILDLIFE DISEASESVol. 58,pp. 76- 85.
Molecular detection and characterization of hemoplasmas in the pudu (pudu puda), a native cervid from ChileHidalgo-Hermoso, E; Cabello, J; Novoa-Lozano, I; Celis, S; Ortiz, C; Kemec, I; Lagos, R; Verasay, J; Mansell-Venegas, M; Moreira-Arce, D; Vergara, PM; Millan, J; Esperon, FJOURNAL OF WILDLIFE DISEASESVol. 58,pp. 8- 14.
Redefining feral dogs in biodiversity conservationContreras-Abarca, R; Crespin, SJ; Moreira-Arce, D; Simonetti, JABIOLOGICAL CONSERVATIONVol. 265,
Scale-dependent habitat use from an individual-based perspective: the case of the endangered Darwin's fox living in heterogeneous forest landscapesMoreira-Arce, D; Cabello, J; Meneses, LO; Norambuena, K; Perez-Hernandez, CG; Hidalgo-Hermoso, E; Alaniz, AJ; Vergara, PMLANDSCAPE ECOLOGYVol. 36,pp. 513- 526.
Tree decay modulates the functional response of lichen communities in Patagonian temperate forestsAnsaldo, D; Vergara, PM; Carvajal, MA; Alaniz, AJ; Fierro, A; Vargas-Castillo, R; Quiroz, M; Moreira-Arce, D; Pizarro, JSCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENTVol. 771,
Urban wildlife in times of COVID-19: What can we infer from novel carnivore records in urban areas?Silva-Rodriguez, EA; Galvez, N; Swan, GJF; Cusack, JJ; Moreira-Arce, DSCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENTVol. 765,
Remote-sensing estimates of forest structure and dynamics as indicators of habitat quality for Magellanic woodpeckersAlaniz, AJ; Carvajal, MA; Fierro, A; Vergara-Rodriguez, V; Toledo, G; Ansaldo, D; Moreira-Arce, D; Rojas-Osorio, A; Vergara, PMECOLOGICAL INDICATORSVol. 126,
Standing dead trees as indicators of vertebrate diversity: Bringing continuity to the ecological role of senescent trees in austral temperate forestsMoreira-Arce, D; Vergara, PM; Fierro, A; Pincheira, E; Crespin, SJ; Alaniz, A; Carvajal, MAECOLOGICAL INDICATORSVol. 129,
Observations of a coastal population of huemul, Hippocamelus bisulcus (Artiodactyla: Cervidae) in Riesco Island, Magallanes Region, Chile: a conservation opportunityMoreira-Arce, D; Penaranda, DA; Lopez, R; Stipicic, GJ; Hidalgo-Hermoso, E; Simonetti, JAMAMMALIAVol. 85,pp. 291- 295.
Trophic behavior of specialist predators from a macroecological approach: the case of the Magellanic woodpecker in South American temperate forestsAlaniz, A., Carvajal, M., Vergara, P., Fierro, A., Moreira-Arce, D., Rojas-Osorio, A., Rodewald, A.Global Ecology and ConservationVol. 24,
First records of non-native Eurasian wild boar Sus scrofa (Linnaeus, 1758) (Mammalia: Artiodactyla) in a coastal ecosystem of Temperate Forest of south-central ChileMoreira-Arce, D., Hernández, F., Abufarhue, K.BioInvasions Records
Killing with compassion for the sake of conservation: response to Lynn et al. 2019Crespin, S., Moreira-Arce., D., Simonetti, J.Conservation BiologyVol. 34,pp. 1 035- 1 037.
Hemoplasmas Are Endemic and Cause Asymptomatic Infection in the Endangered Darwin’s Fox (Lycalopex fulvipes)Di Cataldo, S., Hidalgo-Hermoso, E., Sacristán, I., Cevidanes, A., Napolitano, C., Hernández, C., Esperón, F., Moreira-Arce, D., Cabello, J., Müller, A., Millán, J.Applied and Environmental MicrobiologyVol. 86,
A forest-specialist carnivore in the middle of the desert? Comments on Anabalon et al. 2019Moreira-Arce, D., Silva-Rodríguez, E., Napolitano, C., D'Elia, G., Cabello, J., Millán, J., Hidalgo-Hermoso, E., Farías, A.Ecology and EvolutionVol. 10,pp. 3 825- 3 830.
An eight-year survey for canine distemper virus indicates lack of exposure in the endangered Darwin’s fox (Lycalopex fulvipes)Hidalgo-Hermoso, Cabello, J., Vega, C., Kroeger-Gómez H., Moreira-Arce D., Napolitano C., Navarro C., Sacristán I., Cevidanes A., Di Cataldo S., Dubovi E., Mathieu-Benson C., Millán, J.Journal of Wildlife DiseasesVol. 56,pp. 482- 485.
Underlying social attitudes towards conservation of threatened carnivores in human-dominated landscapesRodríguez-Zorondo, F., Moreira-Arce, D., Boutín, S.OryxVol. 54,pp. 351- 358.
Urban wildlife in times of COVID-19: what can we infer from carnivore sightings in urban areas?Silva-Rodríguez, E., Gálvez, N., Swan, G., Cusack, J., Moreira-Arce, D.Science of the Total Environment
Carnivore-livestock conflict and its ecological correlatesUgarte, C., Moreira-Arce, D., Simonetti, J.Frontiers in Ecology and EvolutionVol. 7,
Research priorities for maintaining biodiversity’s contributions to people in Latin AmericaPearson, R., Moreira-Arce, D.EnvironmentVol. 10,
Management Tools to Reduce Carnivore-Livestock Conflicts: Current Gap and Future ChallengesMoreira-Arce, D, C.S. Ugarte, F. Zorondo-Rodríguez, J.A. SimonettiRangeland Ecology & ManagementVol. 71,pp. 389- 394.
Lethal agonistic behavior between two male Magellanic Woodpeckers Campephilus magellanicus observed in the Cape Horn areaSoto, G., Vergara, P., Smiley, A., Lizama, M., Moreira-Arce, D., Vásquez, R.The Wilson Journal of OrnithologyVol. 128,pp. 180- 184.
Mesocarnivores respond to fine-grain habitat structure in a mosaic landscape comprised by commercial forest plantations in southern ChileMoreira-Arce, D., Vergara, P., Boutin, S., Carrasco, G., Briones, R., Soto, G., Jiménez, J.Forest Ecology and ManagementVol. 369,pp. 135- 143.
Acanthinodera cumingii (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) in the diet of carnivores of the Nahuelbuta Mountain Area, south-central ChileZúñiga-Reinoso, A., Cruz-Jofré, F., Briceño, C., Moreira-Arce, D.Journal of Entomology and Zoology StudiesVol. 4,pp. 696- 698.
Foraging behaviour in magellanic woodpeckers is consistent with a multi-scale assessment of tree qualityVergara, P., Soto, G., Moreira-Arce, D., Rodewald, A., Meneses, L., Pérez-Hernández, C.PloS oneVol. 11,
Distance to suburban/wildland border interacts with habitat type for structuring exotic plant communities in a natural area surrounding a metropolitan area in central ChileDeMoreira-Arce, D., De la Barrera, F., Bustamante, R.Plant Ecology & DiversityVol. 8,pp. 363- 370.
Wildlife camera trapping: a review and recommendations for linking surveys to ecological processesBurton, A., Neilson, E., Moreira-Arce, D., Ladle, A., Steenweg, R., Fisher, J., Bayne, E., Boutin, S.Journal of Applied EcologyVol. 52,pp. 675- 685.
Diurnal human activity and introduced species affect occurrence of carnivores in a human-dominated landscapeMoreira-Arce, D., Vergara, P., Boutin, S.PloS oneVol. 10,
Native forest replacement by exotic plantations triggers changes in prey selection of mesocarnivoresMoreira-Arce, D., Vergara, P., Boutin, S., Simonetti, J., Briceño, C., Acosta-Jamett, G.Biological ConservationVol. 192,pp. 258- 267.