Francisco Zorondo Rodríguez

Profesor Asociado. Biólogo (Universidad de Chile), MSc (Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona), y PhD (Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona), Postdoctorado (2013-2016, Universidad de Chile). Desde el 2016 es académico del Departamento de Gestión Agraria de la Universidad de Santiago de Chile. Sus líneas de investigación abordan las relaciones entre seres humanos y sistemas ecológicos, en particular el vínculo entre bienestar humano y los servicios ecosistémicos y activos de la biodiversidad. Su investigación también se enfoca en evaluar los instrumentos de conservación biológica y gestión de biodiversidad en sistemas socio-ecológicos. Fue Director de la Sociedad de Ecología de Chile (2016-2021) y Consejero de la Política Forestal de Chile (2015-2018).
Comparing the citizen preferences and socioeconomic status as drivers of the floristic diversity in home gardens in Santiago city (Chile)Investigadores principales :Dr. Sergio CastroInvestigadores asociados:Dr. Gloria Rojas, Dr. Pablo Vergara, Dr. Francisco Zorondo-Rodríguez
¿Menos biodiversidad, menos bienestar?: efecto del cambio de biodiversidad en satisfacción con la vida y la salud respiratoria de comunidades rurales”Investigadores principales :Francisco Zorondo-Rodríguez
Integrating movement ecology and human behavior into landscape connectivity for carnivore species.Investigadores principales :Dr. Darío MoreiraInvestigadores asociados:Dr. Pablo Vergara, Dr. Cristóbal Pizarro , Dr. Francisco Zorondo-Rodríguez
Does biodiversity loss lead to a poor quality of life? Consequences of biodiversity loss on life satisfaction and respiratory health among rural communitiesInvestigadores principales :Dr. Francisco ZorondoInvestigadores asociados:Dr. Loreto F. Fuenzalida , Dr. Cristián Leyton , Dr. Javier A. Simonetti
¿Cómo contribuyen las áreas protegidas al bienestar humano?: indagando mecanismos causales entre actores sociales de territorios socioecológicos.Investigadores principales :Dr. Francisco Zorondo-Rodríguez
Where are the foxes gone? Socio-ecological consequences of the use livestock-guarding dogs.Investigadores principales :Dr. Javier A. SimonnettiInvestigadores asociados:Dr. Darío Moreira , Dr. Francisco Zorondo-Rodríguez
Formación inicial de líderes sociales y técnicos de apoyo para la gestión del conocimiento sobre el desarrollo de paisajes socio-ecológicos sosteniblesDirector :Zorondo, F.
¿Cómo biodiversidad contribuye a satisfacer bienestar humano?: descubriendo los mecanismos causales en perspectiva multiescala y cambio ambientalDirector :Zorondo, F.
Human well-being and sustainable management of native forest in rural Chile: are they related?Director :Zorondo, F.
Vínculos entre bienestar humano y medio ambiente: dos contribuciones científicas de fronteraDirector :Zorondo, F.
Programa de Innovación Social para la Superación de la PobrezaInvestigadores asociados:Zorondo, F.
Análisis y recopilación de costos de las acciones de conservación de planes de recuperación, conservación y gestión de especies amenazadasInvestigadores asociados:Zorondo, F.
Homologación de categorías UICN para las 234 ICP caracterizadasDirector :Zorondo, F.
Bienestar humano y cambios ecosistemicos: implicancias de la reforestación del bosque nativo sobre el bienestar de comunidades rurales de ChileDirector :Zorondo, F.
How do Protected Areas Contribute to Human Well-Being? Multiple Mechanisms Perceived by Stakeholders in Chile.Zorondo-Rodríguez, F, G. Rodriguez-Gomez, L.F. Fuenzalida, A. Burgos-Ayala, K. Mendoza, M.J. Díaz, M. Cornejo, J.L. Llanos-Ascencio, F. Campos, J. Zamorano, D. Flore, C. Louit-Lobos, P. Martinez, K. Varas, R. Vargas-RodríguezHuman Ecology
Where Forest Policy and Social Support Collide: Perceptions and Knowledge of Landholders About Forest Management in Central Chile.Zorondo‐Rodríguez, F., N.A. Gómez‐Fernández, A. Bondoux, A. Alfonso, G. Carrasco‐Oliva, F. Abasolo, G. Rodríguez‐Gómez, M. Root‐Bernstein, C.A. GarcíaHuman Ecology
Overnutrition as a risk factor for more serious respiratory viral infections in children: A retrospective study in hospitalized patientsCáceres, Camila, Castillo, Macarena, Carrillo, Karin, Tapia, Cecilia V, Valderrama, Gustavo, Maquilón, César, Toro-Ascuy, Daniela, Zorondo-Rodríguez, Francisco, Fuenzalida, Loreto F.Endocrinol Diabetes Nutr (Engl Ed);Vol. 70,pp. 476- 483.
Microbiota Profile of the Nasal Cavity According to Lifestyles in Healthy Adults in Santiago, cHILEToro-Ascuy, Daniela, Cárdenas, Juan P, Zorondo-Rodríguez, Francisco, González, Damariz, Silva-Moreno, Evelyn, Puebla, Carlos, Nunez-Parra, Alexia, Reyes-Cerpa, Sebastián;, Fuenzalida, Loreto FMicroorganismsVol. 11,
Environmental and biotic filters interact to shape the coexistence of native and introduced bees in northern Patagonian forestsVergara, PM, Andrés Fierro, Mario A Carvajal, Alberto J Alaniz, Francisco Zorondo-Rodríguez, María C Cifuentes, Sergio A CastroAgriculture, Ecosystems & EnvironmentVol. 349,
Silvopastoralism, local ecological knowledge and woodland trajectories in a category V- type management areaRoot-Bernstein, M., B. Holgado, A. Bondoux, M. Guerrero-Gatica, F. Zorondo-Rodríguez, M. Huerta, R. Valenzuela & Á. VidelaBiodiversity and Conservation.Vol. 31,pp. 543- 564.
Factors Influencing the Acceptance of COVID-19 Vaccines in a Country with a High Vaccination RateToro-Ascuy, D.; Cifuentes-Muñoz, N.; Avaria, A.; Pereira-Montecinos, C.; Cruzat, G.; Peralta-Arancibia, K.; Zorondo-Rodríguez, F.; Fuenzalida, L.F.VaccinesVol. 10,
Strategy games to improve environmental policymakingGarcia, C.A.; Savilaakso, S.; Verburg, R.W.; Stoudmann, N.; Fernbach, P.; Sloman, S.A.; Peterson, G.D.; Araújo, M.B.; Bastin, J.-F.; Blaser, J.; et al. Zorondo-Rodríguez, F.Nature Sustainability 2022Vol. 5,pp. 464- 471.
Conflictos socioambientales en el sur de Chile. Actores, mecanismos de poder e incidencia para disminuir la pobreza ruralRubilar, G., Leyton, C., Carrasco-Oliva, G., & Zorondo-Rodríguez, F.AGER: Journal of Depopulation and Rural Development StudiesVol. 35,pp. 65- 98.
Conflictos socioambientales en el sur de Chile. Actores, mecanismos de poder e incidencia para disminuir la pobreza ruralRubilar, G., Leyton, C., Carrasco-Oliva, G., & Zorondo-Rodríguez, F.AGER: Journal of Depopulation and Rural Development StudiesVol. 35,pp. 65- 98.
Overnutrition, nasopharyngeal pathogenic bacteria and proinflammatory cytokines in infants with viral lower respiratory tract infections.Arias-Bravo, G.; Valderrama, G.; Inostroza, J.; Tapia, C.; Toro-Ascuy, D.; Ramilo, O.; Orellana, P.; Cifuentes-Muñoz, N.; Zorondo-Rodríguez, F.; Mejias, A.; Fuenzalida, L.FInternational Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.Vol. 19,
Overnutrition in Infants Is Associated With High Level of Leptin, Viral Coinfection and Increased Severity of Respiratory Infections: A Cross-Sectional StudyArias Bravo, Guisselle, Valderrama, Gustavo, Inostroza, Jaime, Reyes Farías, Marjorie, García Díaz, Diego, Zorondo Rodríguez, Francisco, Fuenzalida, Loreto FFrontiers in PediatricsVol. 8,
Tacit working models of human behavioural change II: Farmers’ folk theories of conservation programme designRoot-Bernstein, M., Guerrero, M., Bondoux, A., Zorondo-Rodríguez, F.Ambio
Underlying social attitudes towards conservation of threatened carnivores in human-dominated landscapesRodríguez-Zorondo, F., Moreira-Arce, D., Boutín, S.OryxVol. 54,pp. 351- 358.
Social acceptability of management actions for addressing different conflict scenarios between humans and wildlife in PatagoniaDíaz, M., Simonetti, J., Zorondo-Rodríguez, F.Hum Dimens Wildlpp. 1- 16.
Why would new protected areas be accepted or rejected by the public?: Lessons from an ex-ante evaluation of the new Patagonia Park Network in Chile.Zorondo-Rodríguez F, Díaz M, Simonetti-Grez G, Simonetti J.A.Land Use PolicyVol. 89,
Why would new protected areas be accepted or rejected by the public?: Lessons from an ex-ante evaluation of the new Patagonia Park Network in ChileZorondo-Rodríguez, F., Díaz, M., Simonetti-Grez, G., Simonetti, J.Land Use PolicyVol. 89,
Social acceptability of management actions for addressing different conflict scenarios between humans and wildlife in Patagonia.Díaz M.V., Simonetti J.A., Zorondo-Rodríguez F.Human Dimensions of WildlifeVol. 25,pp. 17- 32.
Management Tools to Reduce Carnivore-Livestock Conflicts: Current Gap and Future ChallengesMoreira-Arce, D, C.S. Ugarte, F. Zorondo-Rodríguez, J.A. SimonettiRangeland Ecology & ManagementVol. 71,pp. 389- 394.
Perceived changes in environmental degradation and loss of ecosystem services, and their implications in human well-beingAlfonso, A., Zorondo-Rodríguez, F., Simonetti, J.Journal of Sustainable Development & World EcologyVol. 24,pp. 561- 574.
Contribution of natural and economic capital to subjective well-being: Empirical evidence from a small-scale society in Kodagu (Karnataka), IndiaZorondo-Rodríguez, F., Grau-Satorras, M., Kalla, J., Demps, K., Gómez-Baggethun, E., García, C., Reyes-García, V.Social Indicators ResearchVol. 127,pp. 919- 937.
Subjective wellbeing and income: empirical patterns in the rural developing worldReyes-García, V., Babigumira, R., Pyhälä, A., Wunder, S., Zorondo-Rodríguez, F., Angelsen, A.Journal of Happiness StudiesVol. 17,pp. 773- 791.
Schooling and local knowledge for collecting wild honey in South India: Balancing multifaceted educations?Demps, K., Dougherty, J., Kalla, J., Zorondo-Rodríguez, F., Reyes-Garcia, V., García, C.Culture, Agriculture, Food, and the EnvironmentVol. 37,pp. 28- 37.
Conservation of biodiversity in private lands: are Chilean landowners willing to keep threatened species in their lands?Zorondo-Rodríguez, F., Reyes-García, V., Simonetti, J.Revista Chilena de Historia NaturalVol. 87,
What defines Quality of Life? The gap between public policies and locally defined indicators among residents of Kodagu, Karnataka (India)Zorondo-Rodríguez, F., Gómez-Baggethun, E., Demps, K., Ariza-Montobbio, P., García, C., Reyes-García, V.Social Indicators ResearchVol. 115,pp. 441- 456.
The selective persistence of local ecological knowledge: honey collecting with the Jenu Kuruba in south IndiaDemps, K., Zorondo-Rodríguez, F., García, C., Reyes-García, V.Human EcologyVol. 40,pp. 427- 434.
Social learning across the lifecycle: Cultural knowledge acquisition for honey collection among the Jenu Kuruba, IndiaDemps, K., Zorondo-Rodríguez, F., García, C., Reyes-García, V.Evolution and Human BehaviorVol. 33,pp. 460- 470.
Local residents knowledge about protected areas. A case study in Dandeli Wildlife Sanctuary, IndiaOlomí-Solà, M., Zorondo-Rodríguez, F., Triguero-Mas, M., Jha, N., Reyes-García, V.Society and Natural ResourcesVol. 25,pp. 410- 420.
Local community attitudes towards forests outside protected areas in India. Impact of legal awareness, trust and participationMacura, B., Zorondo-Rodríguez, F., Grau-Satorras, M., Demps, K., Laval, M., García, C., Reyes-García, V.Ecology and SocietyVol. 16,
Relationships between religious beliefs and mountain pasture uses: a case study in the High Atlas Mountains of Marrakech, MoroccoDomínguez, P., Zorondo-Rodríguez, F., Reyes-García, V.Human EcologyVol. 38,pp. 351- 362.
Urban and rural perceptions of protected areas: a case study in Dandeli Wildlife Sanctuary, Western Ghats, IndiaTriguero-Mas, M., Olomí-Solà, M., Jha, N., Zorondo-Rodríguez, F., Reyes-García, V.Environmental ConservationVol. 36,pp. 208- 217.
Liolaemus cyanogaster cyanogasterRubio, A., Zorondo-Rodríguez, F., Simonetti, J.Herpetological ReviewVol. 35,