

  • How do Protected Areas Contribute to Human Well-Being? Multiple Mechanisms Perceived by Stakeholders in Chile.
    Zorondo-Rodríguez, F, G. Rodriguez-Gomez, L.F. Fuenzalida, A. Burgos-Ayala, K. Mendoza, M.J. Díaz, M. Cornejo, J.L. Llanos-Ascencio, F. Campos, J. Zamorano, D. Flore, C. Louit-Lobos, P. Martinez, K. Varas, R. Vargas-Rodríguez
    Human Ecology


  • Where Forest Policy and Social Support Collide: Perceptions and Knowledge of Landholders About Forest Management in Central Chile.
    Zorondo‐Rodríguez, F., N.A. Gómez‐Fernández, A. Bondoux, A. Alfonso, G. Carrasco‐Oliva, F. Abasolo, G. Rodríguez‐Gómez, M. Root‐Bernstein, C.A. García
    Human Ecology
  • Overnutrition as a risk factor for more serious respiratory viral infections in children: A retrospective study in hospitalized patients
    Cáceres, Camila, Castillo, Macarena, Carrillo, Karin, Tapia, Cecilia V, Valderrama, Gustavo, Maquilón, César, Toro-Ascuy, Daniela, Zorondo-Rodríguez, Francisco, Fuenzalida, Loreto F.
    Endocrinol Diabetes Nutr (Engl Ed);
    Vol. 70,
    pp. 476
    - 483.
  • Microbiota Profile of the Nasal Cavity According to Lifestyles in Healthy Adults in Santiago, cHILE
    Toro-Ascuy, Daniela, Cárdenas, Juan P, Zorondo-Rodríguez, Francisco, González, Damariz, Silva-Moreno, Evelyn, Puebla, Carlos, Nunez-Parra, Alexia, Reyes-Cerpa, Sebastián;, Fuenzalida, Loreto F
    Vol. 11,
  • Environmental and biotic filters interact to shape the coexistence of native and introduced bees in northern Patagonian forests
    Vergara, PM, Andrés Fierro, Mario A Carvajal, Alberto J Alaniz, Francisco Zorondo-Rodríguez, María C Cifuentes, Sergio A Castro
    Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment
    Vol. 349,


  • La caravana agroecológica: itinerarios para una ciencia con objetivo SOCIAL
    Peredo S, Barrera C.
    Revista Agroecológica de Divulgación
    Vol. 48,
    pp. 48
    - 50.
  • A propósito de la gratuidad en la educación: la experiencia del Diplomado en Educación para el Desarrollo Sustentable como aporte al debate constituyente por una educación de calidad financiada por el estado
    Peredo S, Acuña B
    Tecnología y Sociedad, Aportes al debate constituyente.
    pp. 109
    - 127.
  • Plantas Multifuncionales (PlaM): Saberes locales ignorados en los territorios. Prospecciones realizadas en Chile
    Peredo S, Barrera C.
    Agroecológica de Divulgación
    Vol. 49,
    pp. 50
    - 51.
  • Is there a relationship between cultural factors and the establishment of agroecological systems with different designs and their impact on soil fauna? Experiences from 4 Chilean regions.
    Peredo S, Barrera C., Burbi S
    Acta Hortic.
    Vol. 1 355,
    pp. 177
    - 124.
  • Plantas Multifuncionales: conocimiento situado y valorización de los recursos locales para el manejo sustentable de los sistemas agroecológicos en Chile.
    Barrera C, Peredo S
    Sembramos, Comemos y Vivimos. Saberes Agroecológicos desde los Sures
    pp. 47
    - 67.
  • Silvopastoralism, local ecological knowledge and woodland trajectories in a category V- type management area
    Root-Bernstein, M., B. Holgado, A. Bondoux, M. Guerrero-Gatica, F. Zorondo-Rodríguez, M. Huerta, R. Valenzuela & Á. Videla
    Biodiversity and Conservation.
    Vol. 31,
    pp. 543
    - 564.
  • Serosurvey for selected parasitic and bacterial pathogens in Darwin's Fox (Lycalopex Fulvipes): Not only dog diseases are a threat.
    Hidalgo-Hermoso, E; Cabello, J; Verasay, J; Moreira-Arce, D; Hidalgo, M; Abalos, P; Borie, C; Galarce, N; Napolitano, C; Sacristan, I; Cevidanes, A; Ramirez-Toloza, G; Farias, A; Di Cataldo, S; Lagos, R; Millan, J
    Vol. 58,
    pp. 76
    - 85.
  • Factors Influencing the Acceptance of COVID-19 Vaccines in a Country with a High Vaccination Rate
    Toro-Ascuy, D.; Cifuentes-Muñoz, N.; Avaria, A.; Pereira-Montecinos, C.; Cruzat, G.; Peralta-Arancibia, K.; Zorondo-Rodríguez, F.; Fuenzalida, L.F.
    Vol. 10,
  • Molecular detection and characterization of hemoplasmas in the pudu (pudu puda), a native cervid from Chile
    Hidalgo-Hermoso, E; Cabello, J; Novoa-Lozano, I; Celis, S; Ortiz, C; Kemec, I; Lagos, R; Verasay, J; Mansell-Venegas, M; Moreira-Arce, D; Vergara, PM; Millan, J; Esperon, F
    Vol. 58,
    pp. 8
    - 14.
  • Strategy games to improve environmental policymaking
    Garcia, C.A.; Savilaakso, S.; Verburg, R.W.; Stoudmann, N.; Fernbach, P.; Sloman, S.A.; Peterson, G.D.; Araújo, M.B.; Bastin, J.-F.; Blaser, J.; et al. Zorondo-Rodríguez, F.
    Nature Sustainability 2022
    Vol. 5,
    pp. 464
    - 471.
  • Redefining feral dogs in biodiversity conservation
    Contreras-Abarca, R; Crespin, SJ; Moreira-Arce, D; Simonetti, JA
    Vol. 265,
  • Conflictos socioambientales en el sur de Chile. Actores, mecanismos de poder e incidencia para disminuir la pobreza rural
    Rubilar, G., Leyton, C., Carrasco-Oliva, G., & Zorondo-Rodríguez, F.
    AGER: Journal of Depopulation and Rural Development Studies
    Vol. 35,
    pp. 65
    - 98.
  • Conflictos socioambientales en el sur de Chile. Actores, mecanismos de poder e incidencia para disminuir la pobreza rural
    Rubilar, G., Leyton, C., Carrasco-Oliva, G., & Zorondo-Rodríguez, F.
    AGER: Journal of Depopulation and Rural Development Studies
    Vol. 35,
    pp. 65
    - 98.
  • Overnutrition, nasopharyngeal pathogenic bacteria and proinflammatory cytokines in infants with viral lower respiratory tract infections.
    Arias-Bravo, G.; Valderrama, G.; Inostroza, J.; Tapia, C.; Toro-Ascuy, D.; Ramilo, O.; Orellana, P.; Cifuentes-Muñoz, N.; Zorondo-Rodríguez, F.; Mejias, A.; Fuenzalida, L.F
    International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.
    Vol. 19,
  • Responding to the Popular Demand: Itinerary for the Socio-Political Learning of Situated Agroecologies in Chile
    Peredo S, Barrera Salas, C., Burbi S
    Vol. 14,


  • Cultivation of Opuntia ficus-indica in areas with limited rainfall for the production of biogas and biofertilizer
    Quiroz M., M.T. Varnero, J. Cuevas, H. Sierra
    Journal of Cleaner Production
    Vol. 289,
  • Scale-dependent habitat use from an individual-based perspective: the case of the endangered Darwin's fox living in heterogeneous forest landscapes
    Moreira-Arce, D; Cabello, J; Meneses, LO; Norambuena, K; Perez-Hernandez, CG; Hidalgo-Hermoso, E; Alaniz, AJ; Vergara, PM
    Vol. 36,
    pp. 513
    - 526.
  • Tree decay modulates the functional response of lichen communities in Patagonian temperate forests
    Ansaldo, D; Vergara, PM; Carvajal, MA; Alaniz, AJ; Fierro, A; Vargas-Castillo, R; Quiroz, M; Moreira-Arce, D; Pizarro, J
    Vol. 771,
  • Urban wildlife in times of COVID-19: What can we infer from novel carnivore records in urban areas?
    Silva-Rodriguez, EA; Galvez, N; Swan, GJF; Cusack, JJ; Moreira-Arce, D
    Vol. 765,
  • Remote-sensing estimates of forest structure and dynamics as indicators of habitat quality for Magellanic woodpeckers
    Alaniz, AJ; Carvajal, MA; Fierro, A; Vergara-Rodriguez, V; Toledo, G; Ansaldo, D; Moreira-Arce, D; Rojas-Osorio, A; Vergara, PM
    Vol. 126,
  • Standing dead trees as indicators of vertebrate diversity: Bringing continuity to the ecological role of senescent trees in austral temperate forests
    Moreira-Arce, D; Vergara, PM; Fierro, A; Pincheira, E; Crespin, SJ; Alaniz, A; Carvajal, MA
    Vol. 129,
  • Observations of a coastal population of huemul, Hippocamelus bisulcus (Artiodactyla: Cervidae) in Riesco Island, Magallanes Region, Chile: a conservation opportunity
    Moreira-Arce, D; Penaranda, DA; Lopez, R; Stipicic, GJ; Hidalgo-Hermoso, E; Simonetti, JA
    Vol. 85,
    pp. 291
    - 295.
  • Building agroecology with people. Challenges of participatory methods to deepen on the agroecological transition in different contexts.
    López-García, D, M. Cuéllar-Padilla, A. Azevedo, N.P. Laranjeira, E. Méndez, S. Peredo, et al
    Journal of Rural Studies
    Vol. 83,
    pp. 257
    - 267.
  • Co-diseñando la biodiversidad vamos aumentando.
    Peredo S, Barrera C., Burbi S
    Agroecológica de Divulgación de la Sociedad Española de Agricultura Ecológica.
    Vol. 46,
    pp. 24
    - 25.


  • Urban wildlife in times of COVID-19: what can we infer from carnivore sightings in urban areas?
    Silva-Rodríguez, E., Gálvez, N., Swan, G., Cusack, J., Moreira-Arce, D.
    Science of the Total Environment
  • Landscape-scale management of exotic forest plantations: synergy between deadwood and clear-cutting synchrony modulates saproxylic beetle diversity
    Fierro, A., Vergara, P., Grez, A., Alaniz, A., Carvajal, M., Lizama, M., Ramirez-Hernandez, A.
    Landscape Ecology
    Vol. 35,
    pp. 621
    - 638.
  • Determinación de deficiencias en la gestión como insumo para una política pública de desarrollo empresarial para la mediana agricultura agroexportadora del Centro Sur de Chile.
    José Llanos-Ascencio, Nicole Espinoza-Rivas
    Tecnología y Sociedad: Una Mirada Multidisciplinaria
    Vol. 2,
    pp. 77
    - 91.
  • Regeneration of Quercus spp. along interactive forest boundaries in a fragmented peri-urban landscape of Mexico City
    Cázares, Y., Vergara, P., García-Romero, A.
    Environmental Conservation
    Vol. 47,
    pp. 39
    - 45.
  • Current and future spatial assessment of biological control as a mechanism to reduce economic losses and carbon emissions: the case of Solanum sisymbriifolium in Africa
    Alaniz, A., Núñez‐Hidalgo, I., Carvajal, M., Alvarenga, T., Gomez-Cantillana, P., Vergara, P.
    Pest Management Science
  • Aprendizaje Colaborativo para la Transición Agroecológica: Creación de un vínculo entre el campo y la ciudad
    Barrera C, Peredo S
    Revista de Agricultura Ecológica
    Vol. 39,
    pp. 52
    - 54.
  • Trophic behavior of specialist predators from a macroecological approach: the case of the Magellanic woodpecker in South American temperate forests
    Alaniz, A., Carvajal, M., Vergara, P., Fierro, A., Moreira-Arce, D., Rojas-Osorio, A., Rodewald, A.
    Global Ecology and Conservation
    Vol. 24,
  • Nutritional value of Dasyphyllum diacanthoides (Less.) Carb.: an endemic tree used as suplementary forage in agroforestry systems
    Peredo S, Alvarez R, Barrera C, Parada E
    Vol. 30,
    pp. 139
    - 144.
  • Overnutrition in Infants Is Associated With High Level of Leptin, Viral Coinfection and Increased Severity of Respiratory Infections: A Cross-Sectional Study
    Arias Bravo, Guisselle, Valderrama, Gustavo, Inostroza, Jaime, Reyes Farías, Marjorie, García Díaz, Diego, Zorondo Rodríguez, Francisco, Fuenzalida, Loreto F
    Frontiers in Pediatrics
    Vol. 8,
  • First records of non-native Eurasian wild boar Sus scrofa (Linnaeus, 1758) (Mammalia: Artiodactyla) in a coastal ecosystem of Temperate Forest of south-central Chile
    Moreira-Arce, D., Hernández, F., Abufarhue, K.
    BioInvasions Records
  • Iniciativas para la sustentabilidad. Transformando personas, construyendo país
    Peredo S, Acuña B
  • Killing with compassion for the sake of conservation: response to Lynn et al. 2019
    Crespin, S., Moreira-Arce., D., Simonetti, J.
    Conservation Biology
    Vol. 34,
    pp. 1 035
    - 1 037.
  • ¿Quién dice que no se puede? Experiencias de transformación social a través de la formación ciudadana. El caso del Diplomado en Educación para el Desarrollo Sustentable de la Universidad de Santiago de Chile
    Acuña B , Peredo S
    Iniciativas para la sustentabilidad
    pp. 19
    - 34.
  • Hemoplasmas Are Endemic and Cause Asymptomatic Infection in the Endangered Darwin’s Fox (Lycalopex fulvipes)
    Di Cataldo, S., Hidalgo-Hermoso, E., Sacristán, I., Cevidanes, A., Napolitano, C., Hernández, C., Esperón, F., Moreira-Arce, D., Cabello, J., Müller, A., Millán, J.
    Applied and Environmental Microbiology
    Vol. 86,
  • Aprendizaje transformador para la sustentabilidad: percepción del desempe­ño docente y discente en la formación para la transición y masificación de la agroecología.
    Impacto en el Saber y Sentir Docente, Vol. 3 Nuevas tendencias y experiencias significativas en temáticas de educación superior
    Vol. 3,
    pp. 120
    - 146.
  • A forest-specialist carnivore in the middle of the desert? Comments on Anabalon et al. 2019
    Moreira-Arce, D., Silva-Rodríguez, E., Napolitano, C., D'Elia, G., Cabello, J., Millán, J., Hidalgo-Hermoso, E., Farías, A.
    Ecology and Evolution
    Vol. 10,
    pp. 3 825
    - 3 830.
  • Plantas medicinales y aromáticas como hospederas de enemigos naturales de Saissetia oleae en arreglos espacio-temporales para el cultivo agroecológico de Olea europea
    Peredo S, Barrera C., Martínez, JL, Romo J
    Bol Latinoam Caribe Plant Med Aromat
    Vol. 19,
    pp. 482
    - 491.
  • Landscape-scale effects of forest degradation on insectivorous birds and invertebrates in austral temperate forests
    Vergara, P., Fierro, A., Alaniz, A., Carvajal. M., Llanos, J.
    Landscape Ecology
  • An eight-year survey for canine distemper virus indicates lack of exposure in the endangered Darwin’s fox (Lycalopex fulvipes)
    Hidalgo-Hermoso, Cabello, J., Vega, C., Kroeger-Gómez H., Moreira-Arce D., Napolitano C., Navarro C., Sacristán I., Cevidanes A., Di Cataldo S., Dubovi E., Mathieu-Benson C., Millán, J.
    Journal of Wildlife Diseases
    Vol. 56,
    pp. 482
    - 485.
  • Giants are coming? Predicting the potential spread and impacts of the giant Asian hornet (Vespa mandarinia, Hymenoptera:Vespidae) in the United States
    Alaniz, A., Carvajal, M., Vergara, P.
    Pest Management Science
  • Defining corridors for movement of multiple species in a forest-plantation landscape
    Pliscoff, P., Simonetti, J., Grez, A., Vergara, P., Barahona-Segovia, R.
    Global Ecology and Conservation
  • Tacit working models of human behavioural change II: Farmers’ folk theories of conservation programme design
    Root-Bernstein, M., Guerrero, M., Bondoux, A., Zorondo-Rodríguez, F.
  • Expansion of the Emerging Fungal Pathogen Cryptococcus bacillisporus Into America: Linking Phylogenetic Origin, Geographical Spread and Population Under Exposure Risk
    Carvajal, J., Alaniz, A., Carvajal, M., Acheson, E., Cruz, R., Vergara, P., Cogliati, M.
    Frontiers in Microbiology
  • Underlying social attitudes towards conservation of threatened carnivores in human-dominated landscapes
    Rodríguez-Zorondo, F., Moreira-Arce, D., Boutín, S.
    Vol. 54,
    pp. 351
    - 358.
  • The failed invasion of Harmonia axyridis in the Azores, Portugal: Climatic restriction or wrong population origin?
    Alaniz, A., Soares, A., Vergara, P., de Azevedo, E., Grez, A.
    Insect Science


  • Social acceptability of management actions for addressing different conflict scenarios between humans and wildlife in Patagonia
    Díaz, M., Simonetti, J., Zorondo-Rodríguez, F.
    Hum Dimens Wildl
    pp. 1
    - 16.
  • Diferencias y similitudes en la composición mesofaunística edáfica en agroecosistemas bajo distintos diseños prediales: cambios y tendencias desde una perspectiva agroecológica
    Peredo S
    Creando Redes Doctorales: Investiga y Comunica
    pp. 375
    - 378.
  • Screening of Native and Exotic Tree Species in Chile for Element Absorption from Dairy Slurry
    Cuevas J., M. Quiroz. 2019
    Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition
    Vol. 19,
    pp. 12
    - 28.
  • Why would new protected areas be accepted or rejected by the public?: Lessons from an ex-ante evaluation of the new Patagonia Park Network in Chile
    Zorondo-Rodríguez, F., Díaz, M., Simonetti-Grez, G., Simonetti, J.
    Land Use Policy
    Vol. 89,
  • Diálogos entre la teoría y prácticas agroecológicas para el establecimiento de estrategias de desarrollo rural sustentables: investigación y acción a partir del potencial endógeno
    Peredo S, Acuña B, Barrera C
    Anuario de Antropología Iberoamericana
  • Development and use of bokashi as a management practice in sustainable agriculture: Emphasis on the availability of N for crops. Review
    Quiroz M., C. Céspedes.
    Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition
    Vol. 1,
    pp. 237
    - 248.
  • A native long horned beetle promotes the saproxylic diversity in exotic plantations of Monterrey pine
    Fierro, A., Vergara, P.
    Ecological Indicators
    Vol. 96,
    pp. 532
    - 539.
  • Aceptabilidad de hortalizas de IV gama, sanitizadas mediante protocolos alternativos de desinfección, en consumidores de la Provincia de Santiago, Chile
    Sáez, L., Díaz, R., Sepúlveda, C., Palacios, P.
  • Complejizando la mirada agroecológica: reflexiones sobre los conceptos de agroecosistema y resiliencia para ampliar las iniciativas agroecológicas
    Peredo S, Barrera C, Acuña B
    Vol. 19,
    pp. 137
    - 159.
  • Mobilising common biocultural heritage for the socioeconomic inclusion of small farmers: panarchy of two case studies on quinoa in Chile and Bolivia
    Winkel, T., Núñez-Carrasco, L., Cruz, P., Egan, N., Sáez, L., Cubillos-Celis, P., Poblete-Olivera, C., Zavalla-Nanco, N., Miño-Baes, B., Viedma-Araya, M.
    Agriculture and Human Values
  • "Evaluación participativa de la sustentabilidad entre un sistema campesino bajo manejo convencional y uno agroecológico de una comunidad Mapuche de la Región de la Araucanía (Chile)
    Peredo S, Barrera C.
    Vol. 51,
    pp. 323
    - 336.
  • Territories in transition: agriculture in peri-urban areas of Buenos Aires (Argentina) and Santiago (Chile)
    Feito C, Boza S, Peredo S
    Vol. 16,
    pp. 32
    - 54.
  • From an Essential Being to an Actor’s becoming: Transformational learning. Experiences in Adult Education in Political Ecology.
    Aedo M, Peredo S, Schaeffer
    Environmental Education Research
    Vol. 25,
    pp. 33
    - 45.
  • Why would new protected areas be accepted or rejected by the public?: Lessons from an ex-ante evaluation of the new Patagonia Park Network in Chile.
    Zorondo-Rodríguez F, Díaz M, Simonetti-Grez G, Simonetti J.A.
    Land Use Policy
    Vol. 89,
  • Spatial Quantification of the Population Exposed to Cryptococcus neoformans and Cryptococcus gattii Species Complexes in Europe: Estimating the Immunocompetent and HIV/AIDS Patients Under Risk
    Alaniz, A., Carvajal, J., Carvajal, M., Cogliati, M., Vergara, P.
    Risk Analysis
    Vol. 40,
    pp. 524
    - 533.
  • Social acceptability of management actions for addressing different conflict scenarios between humans and wildlife in Patagonia.
    Díaz M.V., Simonetti J.A., Zorondo-Rodríguez F.
    Human Dimensions of Wildlife
    Vol. 25,
    pp. 17
    - 32.
  • Chronicle of an environmental disaster: Aculeo Lake, the collapse of the largest natural freshwater ecosystem in central Chile
    Alaniz, A., Carvajal, M., Núñez-Hidalgo, I., Vergara, P.
    Environmental Conservation
    Vol. 46,
    pp. 201
    - 204.
  • Landscape-mediated edge effect in temperate deciduous forest: implications for oak regeneration
    García-Romero, A., Vergara, P., Granados-Peláez, C., Santibáñez-Andrade, G.
    Landscape Ecology
    Vol. 34,
    pp. 51
    - 62.
  • Carnivore-livestock conflict and its ecological correlates
    Ugarte, C., Moreira-Arce, D., Simonetti, J.
    Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution
    Vol. 7,
  • Nitrogen availability, maturity and stability of Bokashi-type fertilizers elaborated with different feedstocks of animal origin
    Quiroz M., F. Flores.
    Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science
    Vol. 6,
    pp. 867
    - 875.
  • Research priorities for maintaining biodiversity’s contributions to people in Latin America
    Pearson, R., Moreira-Arce, D.
    Vol. 10,
  • Behavioral switching in Magellanic woodpeckers reveals perception of habitat quality at different spatial scales
    Vergara P.M., G.E. Soto, A.D. Rodewald, M. Quiroz
    Landscape Ecology
    Vol. 34,
    pp. 74
    - 92.
  • Agroecology, Local Knowledge and Participatory Research: Articulation of Knowledge for Sustainable Use of Plant Resources in Agroecosystems
    Peredo S, Barrera C.
    Ethnobotany: Local Knowledge and Traditions
    pp. 19
    - 33.
  • Leaching of base cations from dairy slurry applied to an agricultural volcanic ash soil
    Cuevas J., M. Quiroz, J. Dörner
    Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition
    Vol. 19,
    pp. 51
    - 62.


  • The fruit of competition: seed dispersal by Magellanic woodpeckers in the threatened Valdivian Rainforest
    Soto, G., Vergara, P., Rodewald, A.
    Vol. 99,
    pp. 2 617
    - 2 620.
  • Intersexual segregation in foraging microhabitat use by Magellanic Woodpeckers (Campephilus magellanicus): Seasonal and habitat effects at the world's southernmost forests
    Durón, Q., Jiménez, J., Vergara, P., Soto, G., Lizama, M., Rozzi, R.
    Austral Ecology
    Vol. 43,
    pp. 25
    - 34.
  • Management Tools to Reduce Carnivore-Livestock Conflicts: Current Gap and Future Challenges
    Moreira-Arce, D, C.S. Ugarte, F. Zorondo-Rodríguez, J.A. Simonetti
    Rangeland Ecology & Management
    Vol. 71,
    pp. 389
    - 394.
  • Uso de harina de hojas de quinua (Chenopodium quinoa) como ingrediente innovador, para la elaboración de alimentos de uso humano
    Sáez, L., Aravena, N., Díaz, R.
    Vol. 36,
    pp. 233
    - 242.
  • Tecnologías y prácticas agroecológicas para el diseño de agroecosistemas sustentables
    Peredo S, Barrera C.
    Tecnología y Sociedad, Volumen 1: Una mirada multidisciplinaria. Facultad Tecnológica, Universidad Santiago de Chile,
    Vol. 1,
  • Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos como metodología vehicular para la transición y el escalonamiento de la Agroecología
    Peredo S, Barrera C.
    Tecnología y Sociedad, Volumen 2: Abordando desafíos, formación para el entorno socio productivo. Facultad Tecnológica, Universidad de Santiago de Chile
    Vol. 2,
    pp. 142
    - 154.
  • Democratizando el consumo ecológico: elementos para la acción y aprendizaje colectivo en procesos de investigación acción participativa
    Peredo S, Barrera C.
    Vol. 13,
    pp. 57
    - 69.
  • Phototrophic bacteria dominate consortia with the potential to remove CO2 and H2S from biogas under microaerophilic conditions
    Quiroz M., J. Orlando, M. Carú.
    International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology
    Vol. 15,
    pp. 649
    - 658.
  • Trabajo colaborativo y responsabilidades compartidas: bases para la enseñanza agroecológica mediante metodologías de aprendizaje activo
    Peredo S
    Diálogo de saberes entre la Universidad y las comunidades: Once experiencias de Aprendizaje y Servicio (A+S).
    pp. 278
    - 299.
  • Determinación de factores motivacionales con influencia en la productividad de la mano de obra en poda de arándanos desde la teoría de Herzberg, Comuna Curacaví, Región Metropolitana, Chile
    Zapata, C., Llanos, J.
    Revista de Economía Agraria
    Vol. 20,
    pp. 30
    - 39.
  • Acciones que contribuyen y limitan el cumplimiento del Acuerdo de Producción Limpia para la sustentabilidad del campus en la Universidad de Santiago de Chile.
    Peredo S, Cerda S
    Vol. 18,
    pp. 107
    - 117.
  • Rooting plasticity in wild and cultivated Andean Chenopodium species under soil water deficit
    Álvarez-Flores R, Nguyen A, Peredo-Parada S, Jofre R, Winkel T
    Plant and Soil
    Vol. 425,
    pp. 479
    - 492.


  • Perceived changes in environmental degradation and loss of ecosystem services, and their implications in human well-being
    Alfonso, A., Zorondo-Rodríguez, F., Simonetti, J.
    Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology
    Vol. 24,
    pp. 561
    - 574.
  • The database of the PREDICTS (Projecting Responses of Ecological Diversity In Changing Terrestrial Systems) Project
    Hudson, L., Newbold, T., Contu, S., Hill, S., Lysenko, I., De Palma, A., Phillips, H., Senior, R., Bennett, D., Booth, H., Vergara, P.
    Ecology and Evolution
    Vol. 7,
    pp. 145
    - 188.
  • Converting clear cutting into a less hostile habitat: The importance of understory for the abundance and movement of the Chestnut-throated Huet-Huet (Pteroptochos castaneus: Rhinocryptidae)
    Ramirez-Collio, K., Vergara, P., Simonetti, J.
    Forest Ecology and Management
    Vol. 384,
    pp. 279
    - 286.
  • How does the replacement of native forest by exotic forest plantations affect the diversity, abundance and trophic structure of saproxylic beetle assemblages?
    Fierro, A., Grez, A., Vergara, P., Ramírez-Hernández, A., Micó, E.
    Forest Ecology & Management
    Vol. 405,
    pp. 246
    - 256.
  • Magellanic Woodpeckers in three national parks of central-southern Chile: habitat effects and population variation over the last two decades
    Vergara, P., Meneses, L., Saavedra, M., Díaz, F., Norambuena, K., Fierro, A., Rodewald, A., Soto, G.
    Avian Conservation and Ecology
    Vol. 12,
  • Tree senescence as a direct measure of habitat quality: linking red-edge vegetation indices to space use by magellanic woodpeckers
    Soto, G., Pérez-Hernández, C., Hahn, I., Rodewald, A., Vergara, P.
    Remote Sensing of Environment
    Vol. 193,
    pp. 1
    - 10.
  • Occupancy pattern of a long-horned beetle in a variegated forest landscape: linkages between tree quality and forest cover across spatial scales
    Vergara, P., Meneses, L., Grez, A., Quiroz, M., Soto, G., Pérez-Hernández, C., Díaz, P., Hahn, I., Fierro, A.
    Landscape Ecology
    Vol. 32,
    pp. 279
    - 293.


  • Acanthinodera cumingii (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) in the diet of carnivores of the Nahuelbuta Mountain Area, south-central Chile
    Zúñiga-Reinoso, A., Cruz-Jofré, F., Briceño, C., Moreira-Arce, D.
    Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies
    Vol. 4,
    pp. 696
    - 698.
  • Cooling and eutrophication of southern Chilean lakes
    Pizarro, J., Vergara, P., Cerda, S., Briones, D.
    Science of the Total Environment
    Vol. 541,
    pp. 683
    - 691.
  • Foraging behaviour in magellanic woodpeckers is consistent with a multi-scale assessment of tree quality
    Vergara, P., Soto, G., Moreira-Arce, D., Rodewald, A., Meneses, L., Pérez-Hernández, C.
    PloS one
    Vol. 11,
  • Contribution of natural and economic capital to subjective well-being: Empirical evidence from a small-scale society in Kodagu (Karnataka), India
    Zorondo-Rodríguez, F., Grau-Satorras, M., Kalla, J., Demps, K., Gómez-Baggethun, E., García, C., Reyes-García, V.
    Social Indicators Research
    Vol. 127,
    pp. 919
    - 937.
  • Subjective wellbeing and income: empirical patterns in the rural developing world
    Reyes-García, V., Babigumira, R., Pyhälä, A., Wunder, S., Zorondo-Rodríguez, F., Angelsen, A.
    Journal of Happiness Studies
    Vol. 17,
    pp. 773
    - 791.
  • Lethal agonistic behavior between two male Magellanic Woodpeckers Campephilus magellanicus observed in the Cape Horn area
    Soto, G., Vergara, P., Smiley, A., Lizama, M., Moreira-Arce, D., Vásquez, R.
    The Wilson Journal of Ornithology
    Vol. 128,
    pp. 180
    - 184.
  • Diversity, biogeography, abundance, and conservation of the birds of Mocha Island National Reserve, Chile of the birds of Mocha Island National Reserve, Chile
    Hahn, I., Römer, U., Soto, G., Baumeister, J., Vergara, P.
    Vertebrate Zoology
    Vol. 66,
    pp. 409
    - 419.
  • The austral thrushes (Turdus falcklandii) act as illegitimate seed dispersers for the urban ornamental tree glossy privet (Ligustrum lucidum) in Santiago, Chile
    Castro, S., Saavedra, D., Gutiérrez-Tapia, P., Vergara, P.
    Brazilian Journal of Botany
    Vol. 39,
    pp. 949
    - 952.
  • Mesocarnivores respond to fine-grain habitat structure in a mosaic landscape comprised by commercial forest plantations in southern Chile
    Moreira-Arce, D., Vergara, P., Boutin, S., Carrasco, G., Briones, R., Soto, G., Jiménez, J.
    Forest Ecology and Management
    Vol. 369,
    pp. 135
    - 143.
  • Is metapopulation patch occupancy in nature well predicted by the Levins model?
    Vergara, P., Saravia-Zepeda, A., Castro-Reyes, N., Simonetti, J.
    Population Ecology
    Vol. 58,
    pp. 335
    - 343.
  • Factores motivacionales en la productividad laboral de embalaje de ciruelas y nectarines, zona central de Chile
    Villablanca. S., Llanos, J., Pérez, A.
    Revista de Economía Agraria
    Vol. 19,
    pp. 41
    - 53.


  • Distance to suburban/wildland border interacts with habitat type for structuring exotic plant communities in a natural area surrounding a metropolitan area in central ChileDe
    Moreira-Arce, D., De la Barrera, F., Bustamante, R.
    Plant Ecology & Diversity
    Vol. 8,
    pp. 363
    - 370.
  • Wildlife camera trapping: a review and recommendations for linking surveys to ecological processes
    Burton, A., Neilson, E., Moreira-Arce, D., Ladle, A., Steenweg, R., Fisher, J., Bayne, E., Boutin, S.
    Journal of Applied Ecology
    Vol. 52,
    pp. 675
    - 685.
  • Diurnal human activity and introduced species affect occurrence of carnivores in a human-dominated landscape
    Moreira-Arce, D., Vergara, P., Boutin, S.
    PloS one
    Vol. 10,
  • Schooling and local knowledge for collecting wild honey in South India: Balancing multifaceted educations?
    Demps, K., Dougherty, J., Kalla, J., Zorondo-Rodríguez, F., Reyes-Garcia, V., García, C.
    Culture, Agriculture, Food, and the Environment
    Vol. 37,
    pp. 28
    - 37.
  • Native forest replacement by exotic plantations triggers changes in prey selection of mesocarnivores
    Moreira-Arce, D., Vergara, P., Boutin, S., Simonetti, J., Briceño, C., Acosta-Jamett, G.
    Biological Conservation
    Vol. 192,
    pp. 258
    - 267.
  • Do corridors promote connectivity for bird-dispersed trees? The case of Persea lingue in Chilean fragmented landscapes
    Pérez-Hernández, C., Vergara, P., Saura, S., Hernández, J.
    Landscape Ecology
    Vol. 30,
    pp. 77
    - 90.
  • Tsunami impact on the population development of a critically endangered hummingbird species of a Pacific island
    Hahn, I., Vergara, P., Baumeister, J., Soto, G., Römer, U.
    Population Ecology
    Vol. 57,
    pp. 143
    - 149.
  • Hierarchical spatial decisions in fragmented landscapes: Modeling the foraging movements of woodpeckers
    Vergara, P., Pérez-Hernández, C., Saura, S., Soto, G.
    Ecological Modelling
    Vol. 300,
    pp. 114
    - 122.
  • Percepción del uso de leche de cabra como parte del tratamiento a la alergia a la proteína de leche de vaca (APLV) en la región Metropolitana, Chile
    Sáez, L., Olivera, V., Díaz, R.
    Avances en Ciencias Veterinarias
    Vol. 30,
    pp. 24
    - 29.


  • Análisis de la implementación de una norma de gestión de calidad (NCh 2909) en medianas empresas agrícolas. Estudio de caso: productores de cereza de la Provincia de Curicó, Región Del Maule
    Llanos, J., Villanueva, M., Muñoz, R.
    Revista de Economía Agraria
    Vol. 17,
    pp. 1
    - 8.
  • Impact of the 2010 tsunami on an endangered insular soil-plant system
    Hahn, I., Vergara, P., Baumeister, J., Soto, G.
    Natural Hazards
    Vol. 71,
    pp. 987
    - 994.
  • Potential impact of the Alien American Mink (Neovison vison) on Magellanic woodpeckers (Campephilus magellanicus) in Navarino Island, Southern Chile
    Jiménez, J., Crego, J., Soto, G., Román, I., Rozzi, R., Vergara, P.
    Biological Invasions
    Vol. 16,
    pp. 961
    - 966.
  • Conservation of biodiversity in private lands: are Chilean landowners willing to keep threatened species in their lands?
    Zorondo-Rodríguez, F., Reyes-García, V., Simonetti, J.
    Revista Chilena de Historia Natural
    Vol. 87,
  • The PREDICTS database: A global database of how local terrestrial biodiversity responds to human impacts
    Hudson, L., Newbold, T., Contu, S., Hill, S., Lysenko, I., De Palma, A., Phillips, H., Senior, R., Bennett, D., Booth, H., Vergara, P.
    Ecology and Evolution
    Vol. 24,
    pp. 4 701
    - 4 735.
  • What defines Quality of Life? The gap between public policies and locally defined indicators among residents of Kodagu, Karnataka (India)
    Zorondo-Rodríguez, F., Gómez-Baggethun, E., Demps, K., Ariza-Montobbio, P., García, C., Reyes-García, V.
    Social Indicators Research
    Vol. 115,
    pp. 441
    - 456.
  • The influence of land-use and climate on the load of suspended solids in catchments of southern Chile
    Pizarro, J., Vergara, P., Morales, J., Rodríguez, J.
    Environmental Monitoring and Assessment
    Vol. 186,
    pp. 835
    - 843.
  • Nuevas técnicas de investigación basadas en la observación de la respuesta emocional de los consumidores. Análisis del servicio de despacho a domicilio de alimento de mascotas
    Sáez, L., La Rosa G., Díaz, R.
    Avances en Ciencias Veterinarias
    Vol. 29,
    pp. 42
    - 49.
  • Calling for a reappraisal of the impact of quinoa expansion on agricultural sustainability in the Andean highlands
    Winkel T., Alvarez, R., Bertero, D., Cruz, P., Del Castillo C., Joffre R., Peredo, S., Sáez, L.
    Vol. 32,
    pp. 95
    - 100.


  • First description of the micro-habitat selection pattern of the island endemic Juan Fernandez tit-tyrant
    Soto, G., Vergara, P., Hahn, I., Pérez-Hernández, C., Lizama, M., Baumeister, J.
    Vol. 77,
    pp. 1
    - 9.
  • Factores que afectan las decisiones de compra de Tilapia (Oreochromis Ssp.) en consumidores del Gran Santiago
    Sáez, L., Cancino, F., Díaz, R.
    Avances en Ciencias Veterinarias
    Vol. 28,
  • Matrix composition and corridor function for austral thrushes in a fragmented temperate forest
    Vergara, P., Pérez-Hernández, C., Hahn, I., Jiménez, J,
    Landscape Ecology
    Vol. 28,
    pp. 121
    - 133.
  • Deforestation in central Chile causes a rapid decline in landscape connectivity for a forest specialist bird species
    Vergara, P., Pérez-Hernández, C., Hahn, I., Soto, G.
    Ecological Research
    Vol. 28,
    pp. 481
    - 492.
  • Nest-site selection by the slender-billed parakeet (Enicognathus leptorhynchus) in a Chilean agricultural-forest mosaic
    Carneiro, A., Jiménez, J,, Vergara, P., White, T. Jr.
    Journal of Field Ornithology
    Vol. 84,
    pp. 13
    - 22.
  • Definición de la categoría producto campesino en base a preferencias de consumidores del gran Santiago
    Sáez, L., Sandoval, S., Ganga, M.
    Vol. 31,
    pp. 117
    - 127.
  • Evaluación de la satisfacción de clientes respecto de la calidad de atención en la Feria Libre N° 2 de la comuna de Quinta Normal, Santiago de Chile
    Sáez, L., Castro, R., Díaz, R.
    Vol. 31,
    pp. 15
    - 23.


  • Efecto de una política gubernamental de inversión en infraestructura pública de riego sobre la producción agrícola en Chile
    Llanos, J., Díaz, J., Jara, R., Muñoz, R.
    Revista Mexicana de Agronegocios
    Vol. 33,
    pp. 421
    - 431.
  • Do beavers improve the habitat quality for Magellanic Woodpeckers in a subantartic forest of Cape Horn, Chile?
    Soto, G., Vergara, P., Jiménez, J., Lizama, M., Celis, C., Rozzi, R., Duron, Q.
    Vol. 33,
    pp. 271
    - 274.
  • Estimation of the lifespan of agricultural tractor using a diffusion model at the aggregate level
    Muñoz, R., Llanos, J.
    Revista Ciencia e Investigación Agraria
    Vol. 39,
    pp. 557
    - 562.
  • Consideraciones para enseñar a detectar oportunidades de negocios a estudiantes del ámbito agroalimentario en Chile
    Sáez, L.
    Revista Mexicana de Agronegocios
    Vol. 32,
  • The selective persistence of local ecological knowledge: honey collecting with the Jenu Kuruba in south India
    Demps, K., Zorondo-Rodríguez, F., García, C., Reyes-García, V.
    Human Ecology
    Vol. 40,
    pp. 427
    - 434.
  • Social learning across the lifecycle: Cultural knowledge acquisition for honey collection among the Jenu Kuruba, India
    Demps, K., Zorondo-Rodríguez, F., García, C., Reyes-García, V.
    Evolution and Human Behavior
    Vol. 33,
    pp. 460
    - 470.
  • Local residents knowledge about protected areas. A case study in Dandeli Wildlife Sanctuary, India
    Olomí-Solà, M., Zorondo-Rodríguez, F., Triguero-Mas, M., Jha, N., Reyes-García, V.
    Society and Natural Resources
    Vol. 25,
    pp. 410
    - 420.
  • Biodiversity and biogeography of birds in Pacific Mexico along an isolation gradient from mainland Chamela via coastal Marias to oceanic Revillagigedo Islands
    Hahn, I., Hogeback, S., Römer, U., Vergara, P.
    Vertebrate Zoology
    Vol. 62,
    pp. 123
    - 144.


  • Relación del parque del tractor agrícola y el patrón de difusión y adopción, mediante un modelo simple, con potencial uso descriptivo y predictivo
    Muñoz, R., Llanos, J., Sáez, L.
    Revista del Centro de Información Tecnológica
    Vol. 22,
    pp. 121
    - 128.
  • Evaluación del negocio de la engorda bovina en predios adscritos al programa de planteles animales bajo certificación oficial en la zona de Chillán
    Sáez, L., Méndez, C., Maino, M., Leporati, N.
    Avances en Ciencias Veterinarias
    Vol. 26,
  • Importance of nest attributes in the conservation of endemic birds of the Juan Fernández Archipelago, Chile
    Hahn, I., Vergara, P., Römer, U.
    Bird Conservation International
    Vol. 21,
    pp. 460
    - 476.
  • Local community attitudes towards forests outside protected areas in India. Impact of legal awareness, trust and participation
    Macura, B., Zorondo-Rodríguez, F., Grau-Satorras, M., Demps, K., Laval, M., García, C., Reyes-García, V.
    Ecology and Society
    Vol. 16,
  • Habitat selection and population fluctuations in landbird species of Robinson Crusoe Island: endemic forest specialists vs. introduced habitat generalists
    Hahn, I., Vergara, P., Römer, U.
    Biodiversity and Conservation
    Vol. 20,
    pp. 2 797
    - 2 813.
  • Matrix-dependent corridor effectiveness and the abundance of forest birds in fragmented landscapes
    Vergara, P.
    Landscape Ecology
    Vol. 26,
    pp. 1 085
    - 1 096.
  • An island biogeography approach for understanding changes in compositional similarity
    Vergara, P., Pizarro, J., Castro, S.
    Ecological Modelling
    Vol. 222,
    pp. 1 964
    - 1 971.


  • Effective point count duration for estimating bird Species’ richness in Chilean forests
    Vergara, P., Jiménez, J., Schlatter, R.
    Zoological Studies
    Vol. 49,
    pp. 381
    - 391.
  • Nutrients dynamics in the main river basins of the centre-southern region of Chile
    Pizarro, J., Vergara, P., Rodríguez, J., Sanhuesa, P., Castro, S.
    Journal of Hazardous Materials
    Vol. 175,
    pp. 608
    - 613.
  • Conserving Chile’s most critically endangered bird species: First data on foraging, feeding, and food items of the Másafuera Rayadito (Aves: Furnariidae)
    Hahn, I., Römer, U., Vergara, P.
    Vertebrate Zoology
    Vol. 60,
    pp. 233
    - 242.
  • Frugivory on Persea lingue in temperate Chilean forests: interactions between fruit availability and habitat fragmentation across multiple spatial scales
    Vergara, P., Smith, C., Del Piano, C., Orellana, I., Gho, D.
    Vol. 164,
    pp. 981
    - 991.
  • Aseguramiento de la calidad de la educación superior en Chile: caso de estudio - programas de pregrado
    Llanos, J., Muñoz, R.
    Actas del Seminario Internacional “Gestión de la calidad y desarrollo sustentable en la educación superior
  • The importance of forest patch networks for the conservation of the Thorn-tailed Rayaditos in central Chile
    Vergara, P., Hahn, I., Zeballos, H., Armesto, J.
    Ecological Research
    Vol. 25,
    pp. 683
    - 690.
  • Description of Dicrossus foirni sp. n. and Dicrossus warzeli sp. n. (Telestei: Perciformes: Cichlidae), two new cichlid species from the Rio Negro and the Rio Tapajós, Amazon drainage, Brazil
    Römer, U., Hahn, I., Vergara, P.
    Vertebrate Zoology
    Vol. 60,
    pp. 123
    - 138.
  • Heavy metals in northern Chilean rivers: spatial variation and temporal trends
    Pizarro, J., Vergara, P., Rodríguez, J.
    Journal of Hazardous Materials
    Vol. 181,
    pp. 747
    - 754.
  • Relationships between religious beliefs and mountain pasture uses: a case study in the High Atlas Mountains of Marrakech, Morocco
    Domínguez, P., Zorondo-Rodríguez, F., Reyes-García, V.
    Human Ecology
    Vol. 38,
    pp. 351
    - 362.
  • Caracterización de las Ferias Libres Como Canal de Comercialización en la Región Metropolitana de Chile
    Torres, V., Cáceres, L.
    Economía Agraria
    Vol. 14,
    pp. 1
    - 7.
  • Vegetation structure affects bird community composition in an island ecosystem: the role of nativity and introduction
    Hahn, I., Römer, U., Vergara, P.
    Vol. 29,
    pp. 1
    - 12.


  • Biogeography, diversity, and conservation of the birds of the Juan Fernández Islands, Chile
    Hahn, I., Römer, U., Vergara, P., Walter, H.
    Vertebrate Zoology
    Vol. 59,
    pp. 103
    - 114.
  • Identificación de Potenciales Consumidores y Clientes de Pequeñas Empresas Agropecuarias, en una Feria Especialidades Campesinas de Chile
    Cáceres, L., Torres, V., Sáez, L.
    Economía Agraria
    Vol. 13,
    pp. 45
    - 53.
  • Linking edge effects and patch size effects: Importance of matrix nest predators
    Vergara, P., Hahn, I.
    Ecological Modelling
    Vol. 220,
    pp. 1 189
    - 1 196.
  • Responses of Chilean forest birds to anthropogenic habitat fragmentation across spatial scales
    Vergara, P., Armesto, J.
    Landscape Ecology
    Vol. 24,
    pp. 25
    - 38.
  • Urban and rural perceptions of protected areas: a case study in Dandeli Wildlife Sanctuary, Western Ghats, India
    Triguero-Mas, M., Olomí-Solà, M., Jha, N., Zorondo-Rodríguez, F., Reyes-García, V.
    Environmental Conservation
    Vol. 36,
    pp. 208
    - 217.


  • Conservation of birds in evergreen Chilean forests: the effect of partial cutting systems
    Vergara, P., Schlatter, R.
    Wildlife Research
    Vol. 35,
    pp. 134
    - 139.


  • Desarrollo de un Sistema de Información Geográfica para la Gestión del Agua de Riego en el Embalse Convento Viejo, Chile
    Mena, C., Ormazábal, Y., Llanos, J., Díaz, J.
    Agricultura Técnica
    Vol. 67,
    pp. 49
    - 59.
  • Tipificación De Pequeñas Explotaciones Insertas En Un Programa De Buenas Prácticas Agrícolas
    Llanos, J., Cáceres, L.
    Actas de la XXXVIII Reunión Anual de la Asociación Argentina de Economía Agraria, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Mendoza, Argentina
  • Impact Of A Concession System of Irrigation Infrastructure on Agricultural Production Structure in The Central Valley Of Chile
    Llanos, J., Jara, R., Díaz, J.
    Actas del VII Simposium-cum-Workshop realizado en la Universidad de San Andrés, La Paz, Bolivia, en el marco de la Red Científica Alemania Latinoamérica RECALL
  • On the seasonal effect of landscape structure on a bird species: the thorn-tailed rayadito in a relict forest in northern Chile
    Vergara, P., Marquet, P.
    Landscape Ecology
    Vol. 22,
    pp. 1 059
    - 1 071.


  • A new bird-flea from Chile (Siphonaptera : Ceratophyllidae)
    Beaucournu, J., Vergara, P., Balboa, L., Gonzalez-Acuña, D.
    Journal de la Société Française de Parasitologie
    Vol. 13,
    pp. 227
    - 230.
  • Aggregate retention in two Tierra del Fuego Nothofagus forests: short-term effects on bird abundance
    Vergara, P., Schlatter, R.
    Forest Ecology and Management
    Vol. 225,
    pp. 213
    - 224.
  • Abundance and movement of understory birds in Maulino forest fragmented by pine plantations
    Vergara, P., Simonetti, J.
    Biodiversity and Conservation
    Vol. 15,
    pp. 3 937
    - 3 947.


  • Wissenschaftliche forschungskooperation zwischen den Agrar- und Forstökonomischen Instituten der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Deutschland, und der Universität Talca, Chile
    Díaz, O., Llanos, J.
    Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development in the Tropics and Subtropics
    Vol. 82,
    pp. 112
    - 116.
  • Magellanic woodpecker (Campephilus magellanicus) sap feeding and its role in the Tierra del Fuego forest bird assemblage
    Schlatter, R., Vergara, P.
    Journal of Ornithology
    Vol. 146,
    pp. 188
    - 190.
  • El sistema de concesiones de infraestructura pública de riego y su impacto sobre el margen bruto de especies cultivadas en el valle central de Chile
    Llanos, J., Díaz, J., Jara, R.
    Actas de la XXXVII Reunión Anual de la Asociación Argentina de Economía Agraria, Córdoba, Argentina


  • Potential Changes in the Competitiveness of Maize Growers in Central Chile through the Use of Transgenic Seed (Bt and RR)
    Díaz, J., Herrera, R., Valderrama, J., Llanos, J.
    Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research
    Vol. 2,
    pp. 145
    - 156.
  • Caracterización de la Producción de Carnes en los Países (PECOS) recientemente incorporados a la Unión Europea y su potencial efecto sobre las Exportaciones Chilenas
    Martínez, D., Llanos, J.
    Revista de Economía Agraria
    Vol. 8,
    pp. 189
    - 203.
  • Does nest-site cover reduce nest predation for rhinocryptids?
    Vergara, P., Simonetti, J.
    Journal of Field Ornithology
    Vol. 75,
    pp. 188
    - 191.
  • Avian responses to fragmentation of the Maulino Forest in central Chile
    Vergara, P., Simonetti, J.
    Vol. 38,
    pp. 383
    - 388.
  • Magellanic Woodpecker (Campephilus magellanicus) abundance and foraging in Tierra del Fuego, Chile
    Vergara, P., Schlatter, R.
    Journal of Ornithology
    Vol. 145,
    pp. 343
    - 351.
  • Liolaemus cyanogaster cyanogaster
    Rubio, A., Zorondo-Rodríguez, F., Simonetti, J.
    Herpetological Review
    Vol. 35,


  • Análisis estratégico del sector exportador chileno de fruta fresca, respecto a la política medioambiental y a los indicadores agroambientales de la Unión Europea
    Llanos, J., Díaz, J., Urra, J.
    Revista de Economía Agraria
    Vol. 7,
    pp. 71
    - 82.
  • Aumento de la competitividad de los productores de maíz mediante el uso de semilla transgénica (bt y rr) en el cultivo de maíz semillero y grano
    Díaz, J., Llanos, J., Valderrama, J.
    Actas de la XXXIV Reunión Anual de la Asociación Argentina de Economía Agraria, Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto, Córdoba, Argentina
  • Los Efectos de la ampliación de la Unión Europea sobre las Exportaciones Agrícolas Chilenas
    Díaz, J., Llanos, J., Martínez, D.
    Revista de Economía Agraria
    Vol. 7,
    pp. 131
    - 140.
  • Forest fragmentation and rhinocryptid nest predation in central Chile
    Vergara, P., Simonetti, J.
    Acta Oecologica
    Vol. 24,
    pp. 285
    - 288.
  • Prueba 2
    Prueba 2
    Vol. 2,
    pp. 2
    - 2.


  • Strategic Analysis of the Agricultural Exporter Sector in Latin America, respect of the Political and Environmental Legislation of the European Union. Case Study: The Exporter Sector of Chilean Fresh Fruit
    Llanos, J.
    Proceedings RECALL- Symposium 2002
    pp. 33
    - 34.


  • Agricultura de Precisión en Chile
    Llanos, J.
    Proceedings RECALL- Symposium 2001
  • Posicionamiento del Vino Chileno en Mercado Europeo. Caso de Estudio: Alemania
    Díaz, O., Llanos, J.
    Revista de Economía Agraria
    Vol. 6,
    pp. 239
    - 250.


  • Analyse der Auswirkungen des Wassermarktes in Chile im Hinblick der landwirtschaftlichen Betrieb
    Llanos, J.
    Actas del Seminario „Arbeitskreis Land- und Forstwirtschaftliche Entwicklung in Lateinamerika“, Centro de Ciencias Agrarias de los Trópicos y Subtrópicos, Universidad de Göttingen, Alemania
  • Análisis de los efectos del Mercado de Derechos de Aprovechamiento de Aguas sobre la Explotación Agrícola en Chile. Un Estudio Explorativo
    Llanos, J.
    Revista de Economía Agraria
    Vol. 5,
    pp. 421
    - 436.


  • Innovación en Sistemas de Validación y Transferencia de Tecnologías
    Llanos, J.
    Revista de Economía Agraria
    Vol. 2,
    pp. 53
    - 62.
  • Caracterización de la Cadena de Comercialización de la Langosta (Jasus Frontalis) del Archipiélago Juan Fernández
    Sáez, L., Adofacci, G., Maino, M.
    Avances en Ciencias Veterinarias
    Vol. 27,
  • Agroforestry in the Andean Araucanía: an experience of agro-ecological transition with women from Cherquén in southern Chile.
    Peredo S, Barrera C., Burbi S, Rocha D
    Vol. 12,